Reflections From The Climate Reality Leadership Training 2022
Reflections And A Renewed Call to Action - By Patty Oh, Climate Reality Leader, Mentor, and Member of the Climate Reality OC Chapter
I had the distinct honor of being a mentor at The Climate Reality Project (CRP) Leadership Training Corps in Vegas! It was great to be in fellowship of thought leaders, changemakers and of course, the incomparable Former VP Al Gore, who I'm convinced, is a walking human encyclopedia on all things related to climate (research, news, innovations, solutions, and politics).
Even since my own training in 2018, CRP has grown, improved and expanded to include environmental justice, allyship, and intersectionality in their training. I was pleased to see the involvement of leaders and representatives from the indigenous, black, youth, and other communities of color. Because as we have learned, we cannot talk about climate change without acknowledging and rectifying the disproportionate impact on the poor and communities of color.
2022 Climate Reality Leadership Training in Las Vegas
While I was reminded of the urgency of our work when seeing the latest, far reaching, global impacts of climate change, I was also encouraged by the improvements in technology and how it is becoming vastly more affordable to implement climate solutions. Individuals, businesses, and countries are making great strides in affecting change. For example, in Australia, one in three households now have solar (source)!
However, we still have more work to do. It is clear that public policy still does not match public will. In January 2021, the United Nations Development Program published the largest public opinion survey globally and found that 64% felt climate change was a global emergency (source). Therefore, we must continue to push our elected leaders to listen to public will and preserve our planet for future generations! As one CRP Leader Tim Guinee said, "Action is the antidote to the climate crisis." We must continue to work together to fight the #climatecrisis and #actonclimatenow. And we CAN do this together! As Al Gore shared, “One person can only do so much, all of us together can make a huge impact.”
Patty Oh At Our Climate Reality Training in Vegas
Finally, I would have to agree when Al Gore said, "It is a privilege to have work to do that is so consequential." I left this experience feeling more determined than ever to #leadonclimate. I hope you all will join me!
Lead On Climate Together
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