CA 2021 Policy Wrap-Up

Orange County, California – The 2021 California legislative session ended on September 10, and Governor Gavin Newson then had 30 days to either sign or veto the bills which passed the Assembly and Senate.  Originally there were more than 500 environmental bills that were introduced so most did not get adopted, however there were more than a dozen significant climate and waste-related bills that have now been signed into law.  The success of these bills can be attributed to the many environmental organizations and individual activists who wrote letters and called their local representatives and the Governor urging their support because opposition by the fossil fuel industry was intense.  A big THANK YOU to all who responded to our two Calls to Action during critical, final stages of the legislative process.

Some of the highlights of the adopted bills include AB 1346 which requires the CA Air Resources Board to develop regulations ensuring that small off-road engines (e.g., lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and chain saws) be zero-emission by 2035 and provides incentives and rebates to ease the transition.  SB 596 includes the nation’s first greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements for the cement industry, and AB 525 requires a comprehensive plan for developing offshore wind resources.  Plastic waste is addressed by AB 881 which prohibits export to foreign countries unless it can be proven that the waste is actually recycled.

Below is a list of 2021 climate and waste-related bills.  If you would like more information about any of these bills, please send me an e-mail.  Adoption of a bill is only the first step in a long process towards implementation so we will continue to track them.  We will also be tracking CA regulatory developments related to the CA Energy Code, food waste reduction (SB 1383), and the 2022 Scoping Plan Update for AB 32, CA’s landmark 2006 greenhouse gas emission law.  Join the Policy Committee if you want to take action to influence CA and local environmental policy!

If you would like more information about State bills or how you can advocate, please contact OC Policy Chair Lisa Swanson at

2021 California Policy List

California Policy Wrap for 2021

Interested in joining our Policy Committee? Contact OC Policy Chair Lisa Swanson at

To learn how you can have an impact on the climate now, check out The Climate Reality Project – OC’s Action Hub!


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A Climate For Action: Final Push For California Climate Bills