A Climate For Action: Final Push For California Climate Bills

Orange County, California – California is often considered a model for policy and legislation that address climate change and protect nature.  In this pivotal year in human history, California is called to lead other states and other nations with policy and legislation that takes swift action to address the emerging climate crisis.  Taking action to stabilize our climate makes good business sense by protecting our thriving agricultural sector, safeguarding our coastal communities, and creating economic opportunity in the emerging clean energy sector.

The Climate Reality Project Orange County Chapter has formed a Coalition with 11 other California Chapters to review and provide support letters for State bills.  This year’s key dates:

Feb 19 Last day for bills to be introduced 

Apr. 30 Policy committees conclude and report to fiscal committees on fiscal bills introduced in their house 

May 7 Policy committees conclude and report to the floor non-fiscal bills

June 4 Last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house 

July 14 Policy committees conclude meetings and report bills 

Aug. 16 Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess 

Sept. 10 Last day for any bill to be passed

A Climate For Action

This year, many of the best bills were stopped in the fiscal committees.  This included SB54 which would have reduced single-use plastics in our State by 75%. Fortunately this is a 2-yr bill and will be reconsidered next year.  Key climate bills that are still viable that the Coalition is supporting include AB1147 which would strengthen sustainable community strategies in the transportation sector and furthers the concept of Active Transportation.  We are also supporting SB596 which would establish pioneering greenhouse gas emission requirements for the cement industry and SB500 authored by our local District 37 State Senator Dave Min.  

For Summer 2021, our chapter is asking all members to contact their state officials to show their support of these bills:

AB881 - Plastic waste

AB962 - Beverage Container Recycling

And urge them to reconsider changing their votes to YES on:

AB1147 - Active Transportation

AB1346 - Small off-road engines including leaf blowers

AB284 - Carbon sequestration

AB1395 - Advancing climate change goals

AB1384 - Resiliency through adaptation

If you would like more information about State bills or how you can advocate, please contact OC Policy Chair Lisa Swanson at lisainlb@ymail.com.

To learn how you can have an impact on the climate now, check out The Climate Reality Project – OC’s Action Hub!


CA 2021 Policy Wrap-Up


Oil Spill Underscores Need for Transition Away from Fossil Fuels